Gophers Be Gone! How To Spot, Stop, and Prevent These Pesky Rodents

Gophers Be Gone! How To Spot, Stop, and Prevent These Pesky Rodents

Gophers might seem like cute creatures straight out of a Saturday morning cartoon, but the reality is far from it. These burrowing rodents can wreak havoc on your yard, leaving unsightly mounds and damaging plants. Discover the signs of a gopher infestation, the destruction they can bring, and the steps to send them packing.

Know How To Recognize Gopher Activity 

Have you ever noticed random dirt mounds popping up on your lawn overnight? Or perhaps a beloved plant has suddenly wilted without explanation? These could be signs that gophers have taken up residence in your yard:

  • Dirt Mounds: Gophers dig underground tunnels and push the loose dirt to the surface, creating crescent or horseshoe-shaped mounds.
  • Vanishing Plants: Gophers are vegetarians and can pull whole plants into their burrows to feast upon, leaving a sudden empty spot in your garden.

By staying vigilant and observing these signs, you can detect a gopher invasion early and save your yard from further damage.

Understand Gopher Behavior and Habits

Gophers aren’t just random pests—they have specific behaviors and habits that influence how they interact with their environment. Understanding these can give homeowners an edge:

  • Solitary Creatures: Unlike some pests that invade in groups, gophers are solitary. This means if you spot one, there aren’t likely dozens more hiding nearby. However, this doesn’t make them any less of a nuisance, as one gopher can cause extensive damage.
  • Year-Round Activity: Gophers don’t hibernate. They’re active all year, even in winter. They might dig deeper tunnels during colder months, but they’re still around, munching on plants and roots.
  • Diet Preferences: While they eat a wide range of plants, gophers have favorites like carrots, alfalfa, and soft-rooted vegetables. Planting less of these or protecting them can reduce the attraction for gophers.

By understanding these habits, homeowners can devise smarter strategies to manage and prevent gopher invasions.

Recognize the Hidden Damage of Gophers

Beyond the obvious visual mess, gophers can cause deeper, less visible damage. Their underground activity can have long-lasting repercussions for homeowners:

  • Underground Havoc: Gophers can dig extensive tunnel systems. These tunnels can destabilize the ground, damage roots, and ruin your landscaping.
  • Infrastructure Threat: Their burrowing can endanger underground utilities, cables, and irrigation systems, leading to costly repairs.

Understanding the extent of the potential damage helps emphasize the need for timely action against these critters.

Know How Pest Control Services Tackle the Gopher Problem

With gophers, DIY methods often fall short. Professional pest control services have the tools and expertise to effectively handle the situation:

  • Trapping: This is the most common method. Professionals set specially designed traps in the main tunnel to capture and remove gophers.
  • Baiting: Certain bait products can be placed inside tunnels, which when consumed by gophers, help in controlling their population.

Relying on experts ensures that the gopher problem is addressed in an effective and humane manner.

Prevent Future Gopher Invasions

Once you’ve gotten rid of gophers, you surely want to keep them away. Discover some steps to help prevent a future infestation:

  • Plant Gopher-Resistant Plants: Certain plants like daffodils and gopher spurge can deter gophers from making a home in your yard.
  • Install Underground Fencing: Placing mesh or hardware cloth below the surface can act as a barrier against burrowing gophers.
  • Check Yards Regularly: Regularly inspecting your yard for fresh mounds or other signs can help in early detection and action.

By following these preventive measures, you can maintain a beautiful, gopher-free garden.

Gophers may be small, but they can bring big problems to your yard. If you suspect a gopher problem or want to safeguard your property, don’t hesitate. Reach out to Eary Termite & Pest Services today and reclaim your peaceful, pristine yard.

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