Close-up of termites crawling on a damaged wooden surface, with visible tunnels and holes, highlighting the need for termite extermination with copy space.

If you suspect you havetermites, you need to act fast to prevent thousands of dollars in damage. Left unchecked, termites willeat through your
home, so you need to quickly identify themand implement termitecontrolmethods. Calltheteamat EaryTermite &Pest Services to get
professionaltermiteremovalinDiamond Bar, CA.

Drywood Termites

In the Diamond Bararea, drywood termitesare quitecommon. Thesetermites liveinside ofwood, so they often residein your home with you.
Youmay start to noticesmallmounds offecalmatteraround your homeif you have drywood termites.

Subterranean Termites

On the other hand, subterranean termites livein the ground around your homeand usually attack support beams or other wood sources near the
ground first. Therefore, they areincredibly dangerous for your home's foundation and must beeliminated quickly.

Effective Extermination

Whichever type oftermite you have, you can trust EaryTermite &Pest Services to eliminatethemfor you. Our techniciansareexperts in
identifying termitesand aretrained in cutting-edgetreatments thatcan exterminate your termite problemquickly and effectively. Termiteremovalis
always moreaffordablethan termite damage, so don't hesitateto call our professionals.

The moment you suspect termites, give our teamacallat (855) 590-5151.